Robots are creating jobs, not removing them

It has been nearly 60 years since manufacturing first adopted robots. However, in today’s economy, manufacturers are under pressure like never before to stay competitive. To do so, many are turning to technology.

From AI, to digitisation and automation; new technologies are beginning to transform how manufacturing is done. But at a cost to employees. With 2.7 million people working in the sector, it is inevitable that certain types of jobs won’t be required in future.

Yet even as organisations adopt these solutions, the opportunities they offer are creating another set of challenges – namely, how to ensure the workforce has the skills needed in order to make these new technologies work. In a sector already facing skills shortages, these innovations could (paradoxically) be about to make life a lot harder for employers.

To find out why – and learn what smart employers can do about it – see our latest blog: Humans need not apply? The impact of automated manufacturing on workers.

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