We interviewed 19,000 Millennials as part of our recent report Millennial Careers: 2020 Vision, and found that they are surprisingly upbeat about their future careers. Two-thirds are optimistic about their immediate job prospects. Added to this, 62% are confident they could find equally good, or better, employment within three months, if they lost their main source of income tomorrow.

However, 12% told us they didn’t think they would ever be in a position to retire. They have a career ultramarathon ahead of them – and they know it.

It comes as no surprise, therefore, that they’re planning for the long-haul. As a result, they’re looking for work that increases their long-term employability. They’re not the job-hoppers some would have us believe. Given the chance, they will move on and move up, but more often than not they expect to advance with the same employer.

The New Millennial Mindset

So what is the new Millennial mindset, and what does the future world of work look like for this generation? Take a look at the below infographic to find out, or click here to view the infographic as a PDF.


Read the full report in Millennial Careers: 2020 Vision.

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