How a random act of kindness can boost your career and your Early Careers programme

Louise Stephens-Saunders, Practice Lead for Early Talent and Assessment at ManpowerGroup, is our guest blogger for Random Acts of Kindness Week.

Have you ever benefited from someone being kind to you in your career? I have.

From being given an opportunity when I had no experience, to receiving thank you cards, flowers, bubbly or hugs when people have appreciated my support, I have been a recipient of kindness numerous times in the workplace, and I feel very grateful. I believe a random act of kindness can boost your career, and elevate your employee experience, and is particularly beneficial within your Early Careers Programmes.

Taking your first career step can feel like a daunting task. A recent survey by the ISE of nearly 5,000 students and graduates reveals a large proportion of students feel behind when it comes to preparing for the world of work. Many students are still failing to find work experience and there’s a decline in those accessing careers services.

In fact, more than a third (35%) said they were unprepared and undergraduates were more likely to express this (46%) than postgraduate students (26%).

Furthermore, students with a disability felt less prepared (44%) than those without (30%). Those who identify as neurodivergent were also more likely to feel unprepared (42%) than those who identify as neurotypical (30%).

Feeling unprepared can lead to worry and anxiety, and kindness in the workplace is an effective free and easy to implement strategy to help support psychological safety and wellbeing at work.

Kindness is addictive

At times, life can feel so busy and pressurised that we can struggle to nurture connections with one another and that is particularly true for Gen-Z’ers who have grown up in such an online and virtual world. Whilst they are the most connected generation in an online sense, over 35% of Gen-Z’ers struggle to turn remote relationships into in person connections.

In the work environment in particular, random acts of kindness can really make a difference – a small, kind gesture or word of encouragement can make someone smile and transform their day.

Over time, small acts of kindness can create a positive ripple effect, leading to a happier, more connected and productive workplace at large, contributing to reduction in attrition, better engagement and a more meaningful employment experience.

Benefits of being kind in your career

Being kind to others helps build rapport, in turn, building strong relationships which greatly increases your chances of creating a successful career for yourself. By simply asking someone what can I do to help? you demonstrate kindness and make a favourable impression and that can only go well.

Being kind doesn’t need to cost money, take lots of time or be a grand gesture. I encourage you to try to be kind, without expecting anything in return, to just one person today. Notice what it does for them and for you.

What will your next act of kindness be?

As much as it’s important to show kindness to others, it’s also vitally important to remember to show kindness to ourselves – so also have a think about what random act of kindness you can show yourself.

Whether it’s treating yourself to your favourite snack or meal, organising a catch up with someone you love, or making some time in your evening to pamper yourself – self-care is important for nurturing our energy levels, reducing stress and boosting our overall productivity.


Amelia Earhart

For more ideas and support, and to become a RAKTIVIST visit the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation  The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation | Random Acts of Kindness Week

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