Going global with managed service programmes

The number of companies looking to globalise their Managed Service Programmes (MSP) continues to increase. This has been driven by a number of dynamics – including corporate expansion plans, a desire for greater efficiencies, the growing maturity of MSPs in newer markets, and improvements in MSP technology.

However, implementing a globalised MSP isn’t easy. Every country has different regulations that restrict when, where and how contingent workers can be engaged; and all of these nuances need to be adhered to. This covers everything from contract duration limits, to caps on the percentage of contracted workers.

Added to this, there isn’t an off-the-shelf technology solution that will facilitate an MSP being deployed in multiple countries. Vendor Management Systems (VMS) might be ready to implement in one country, but not in another. Likewise, a VMS partner might be in a position to customise their platform without charge in markets where there is clear value, while other markets might incur significant costs.

Given these complexities, deploying a consistent, globalised MSP that meets each country’s regulatory requirements is no mean feat. Nonetheless, there are some key steps that organisations can take to lay the groundwork for a successful programme. We share six recommendations below on how to prepare for a winning global MSP.

What Drives Success? Six Key Factors For A Winning Global MSP

  1. Start early
    Building local relationships is one of the most important – and most difficult – aspects of implementing a global solution. Companies can begin to lay the groundwork for that immediately. Even if a central global solution seems a distant priority, it is not too early to introduce the concept of MSPs to markets that might otherwise be unfamiliar.
  2. Involve a global provider with global presence
    This type of solution must be provided by a global provider with global presence. Even where a regional MSP serves a company’s needs perfectly, when it comes time to expand, the market and technical expertise of a global provider is needed.
  3. Find your champions
    Executive sponsors are essential to creating buy-in at every level. They should be enthusiastic supporters and deeply committed to internal communications. This ensures they will champion the cause at every level of the company, not just with the provider and other executives.
  4. Understand the culture – and make sure your provider does too
    A deep understanding of legal issues is clearly non-negotiable. It’s critical that allowances are made for each country’s unique regulatory requirements. However, the need to understand the local context, culture, values and nuances is often underestimated. This takes time.
  5. Evaluate your resources
    Evaluate the current capabilities of potential MSP partners to ensure they are aligned with global needs. It is important that your chosen MSP has supplier relationships in your key markets, to ensure they are able to deliver the results your business demands.
  6. Know who you are
    The roll-out of global solutions is very much tied to corporate culture and structure. It’s likely that a company with centralised structures and hierarchies will adopt a large-scale globalised MSP faster than a decentralised organisation. Consider how centralised your organisation is, and manage expectations accordingly.

Download our whitepaper ‘More Than Just a Passport: The Journey of Globalising Managed Service Programmes’

For more information on the key drivers of growing demand for global MSPs and new models that can be implemented to support delivery, download our whitepaper – More Than Just a Passport: The Journey of Globalising Managed Service Programmes.

This article first appeared in the seventh edition of The Human Age Newspaper.

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