Does your organisation have a truly blended working population?

Workforces around the world have become fragmented. Often, permanent workers are managed separately – and differently – to their non-permanent counterparts, despite working side-by-side. However, as alternative ways of working continue to grow in prominence, organisations that lack an integrated, holistic talent strategy may struggle to engage the right workers at the right time and at the right cost.

This is one of the reasons why many organisations are starting the journey to Total Talent Management, uniting the entire workforce in a fully comprehensive talent management programme, delivered by a single provider. They recognise that securing the best talent, and managing them in the most effective way, is more important than internal definitions, labels and reporting lines. So much so that when we interviewed a selection of senior HR professionals, nearly 90% agreed that future workforce strategies will call for enterprise-wide implementation, regardless of employment status.

Yet, Total Talent Management cannot be implemented overnight. Often, there are a number of internal challenges that need to be managed long before implementation can even begin. How can organisations begin to embed this mindset into their organisation, and start to embrace a truly blended working population? We’ve shared five areas that can help organisations as they start their Total Talent Management journey.

5 steps towards an integrated approach to talent

  1. Break the silos between HR and Procurement
    For many organisations, there is a disconnect between HR and Procurement, with both operating in distinct silos from one another with different and competing goals. Organisations can realise untapped value and reduced risk when HR and Procurement collaborate on an integrated talent strategy. It means that employers can focus on engaging the right person with the right skills, regardless of how they need to be employed.
  2. Understand current workforce realities
    Employers often take it for granted that they have an accurate understanding of their workforce size and composition. Yet, our research found that as many as 80% lack a reliable estimate of who is really working for them. Before Total Talent Management can be implemented, organisations need to develop a clear picture of their organisation; the types of workers already engaged; and the specific skills required. Strategic decision-making can only begin when the entire workforce is being considered.
  3. Educate leaders on how and why to optimise a blended workforce
    In implementing Total Talent Management, numerous stakeholders across the business will need to accept, adopt and implement new processes. Consequently, HR must create awareness amongst the c-suite of the benefits of this approach and talk in commercial terms regarding the business case. As well as giving tactical input and fixing issues where required, they ideally also need to be part of the decision-making committee and provide strategic direction.
  4. Review technology and data priorities
    As workforce composition becomes more complex, organisations will need to adopt more precise strategies that are aligned to real-time business needs. This will involve augmenting and aligning existing talent sources and platforms, to enable better, faster decision-making and greater transparency. To achieve this, significant investment in technology and data will be required.
  5. Balance short and long-term priorities
    The complex environment HR operates within may limit the time leaders have available to focus on implementing Total Talent Management. They need to keep the business running smoothly with one hand, while preparing for a different and uncertain future with the other. However, while immediate issues must be addressed, they must be mindful of the potential long-term risks to their organisation if they do not prioritise taking a more joined-up approach to talent.

For more information on Total Talent Management and the benefits this approach could realise for your organisation, please visit:

This article first appeared in the eighth edition of The Human Age Newspaper.

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