As organisations look to restart post-Covid-19, managers are facing a number of challenges when adjusting to the new world of work.

As organisations look to restart post-Covid-19, managers are facing a number of challenges when adjusting to the new world of work. Flexible, remote working has been the key to many businesses’ survival, and it looks safe to say that it’ll be here to stay. Managers must therefore get to grips with the ‘new normal’, while also managing the expectations and concerns of their teams.

Having to manage their own changed workload, along with supporting colleagues in a world that they themselves aren’t entirely used to; managers will undoubtedly be under a lot of pressure to guarantee organisational success.

In response to this, Right Management aims to help managers support and reengage their teams to perform at their best.The challenges facing managers upon organisational restartHere at Right Management we aim to help managers amplify their managerial skills, develop their coaching skills and generate improved business performance. Through our research, we’ve identified some of the most common challenges managers will face and how they can be overcome.

Emotional needs:

Employees will be returning to the office following what will likely have been a very unique and emotional experience; with 34% of surveyed people saying they felt concerned about losing their jobs during the pandemic. Managers will therefore need to address the emotional needs of each of their reports on an individual basis, and avoid implementing a ‘one size fits all’ approach.

“Empathetic leaders get good effectiveness ratings; compassionate leaders get even higher effectiveness ratings because they’re turning their empathy into action that’s meaningful.” – Tricia Naddaff, President, Management Research Group

By demonstrating compassion through open and honest 1:1 conversations and flexible working agreements, managers can reassure their teams that their wellbeing is an organisational priority, and ensure each individual returns to work with peace-of-mind, ready to perform and contribute towards business success.

Coach > Boss:

More than ever before, employees want their managers to act as a coach rather than just a boss. Personal development is key to many employee’s career goals and aspirations, and it’s a manager’s responsibility to ensure that their teams have access to enough learning and development opportunities; especially in the new world of work that Covid-19 has created.

Whether an individual’s role has changed or an existing method of working is no longer viable; employees are bound to have questions and need extra support in a work environment that’s alien to them. Managers must therefore offer guidance and help when needed, and provide their teams with the time and opportunity to properly upskill themselves.

By utilising coaching techniques such as active listening and powerful questioning at the core of their team interactions, managers can quickly bridge skill-gaps and equip their reports with the qualities needed to meet organisational goals – Over 70% of people receiving coaching report improved work performance and relationships.

Clear communication:

Following such a lengthy period of time away from the work environment and their colleagues, employees may be feeling disconnected from their organisation. Being unclear on the new organisational goals and directives will likely leave employees unsure about where they fit within the business; resulting in confusion about how they can meet organisational and individual performance targets.

To combat any uncertainty or doubts, managers will need to provide their teams with clear communication around what’s expected of them and what they’re accountable for. This will help to remind individuals of their value and importance to the business, and ensure that they remain engaged with and committed to performing in their role.

As teams begin adjusting to these newly defined expectations and goals, managers should also offer ongoing feedback that encourages employees to learn from mistakes, and continue developing their skills so that they can consistently perform at a level that drives results for the business.

And so there’s no doubt that, by implementing the above strategies, managers can be pivotal to ensuring that their organisations can succeed in the ‘new normal’.

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