Since the Government advised everyone who could to work from home in March 2020, the world of work has drastically changed. Employers are reimagining the workplace in response to the events of the past 18 months and employees are thinking about their future too.

While a fair salary and a range of incentives may have been sufficient to attract and retain talented people before the pandemic, in some cases those rewards are no longer enough. Think tank Global Future has recently compiled a report on the impact of COVID-19 on our lives. It says lockdown prompted more than three-quarters of survey respondents to reconsider what is important to them. The report also found that almost nine in ten (87%) now say it is important to have ‘meaningful purpose at work’. More than just a good base salary, more people are putting added importance on having a sense of purpose at work, and feeling like they are contributing to an organization achieving its goals.

If employers, including those working within the contact centre industry, want to attract and retain talented people, now is the time to review your existing recruitment policies to ensure they are in line with what candidates the current team members value in the new world of work. That includes?Providing greater clarity over the value people can addTop employers will help candidates look beyond the job description, the day-to-day responsibilities and contractual benefits associated with the role. Instead, they will share their company’s purpose and highlight the difference people can make through the work. Taking time during the recruitment process to demonstrate the company culture, and introduce other team members can also help to develop a stronger picture of the organization and how the individual will contribute. That will help candidates determine if the role is the right fit for them now.Consider maintaining some flexibilityRecently, our research showed that workers in the UK are concerned that employers will revert to old ways of working and they will lose the flexibility they gained because of the pandemic. It is hard to say what the future holds, but their fears may not be realised. An increasing number of organisations are moving to a hybrid working model, and last year, 89% of contact centre leaders who took part in an online survey believed the pandemic had changed the industry forever, and the UK Contact Centre Forum estimates that the trend of home working has been accelerated in the sector by five years.

However, introducing and maintaining remote or hybrid working is not always straightforward. We produced an on-demand webinar to help with the transition, and answer some of the questions our experts are often asked. One issue rises above all others – maintaining people’s health and wellbeing in uncertain times, which can be particularly difficult when people are working remotely.Focus on people’s wellbeingTwo-thirds of contact centre leaders that responded to the online survey mentioned above said anxiety and mental health issues were a significant concern for their organisation early last year. To be an employer of choice, firms must prioritise the health and wellbeing of their team members. As our whitepaper, Mental Wellness in the Contact Centre Industry: Building a Better Normal shows, individuals and businesses benefit when leaders are equipped to support their teams, regardless of location.

We know that the past year as been full of challenges and changes. If you would like to speak with our experts to discover how to improve existing processes, hire new talent, or if you are looking to implement a new agile working policy, please contact us today and our team would be more than happy to schedule a call to understand your specific requirements.

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