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Martin Ewings

Martin has been with Experis since March 2000 and during that time has been a successful new business Sales Consultant, Account Director, Team Leader, Practice Lead and Head of New Business Sales. Martin’s background covers both public and private sectors across interim, contract, perm and project based client solutions.

Data Driven or Insight Led?

Who would have thought that in the 21st century that sentiment could be applied to modern business? Today
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Digital: A core capability for today’s businesses

In today’s world, digital is a fundamental capability required by any business. It can unleash tremendous benefits across
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5 ways to navigate the post-COVID jobs landscape

Finding a new role in the current climate is challenging to say the least. With the job market
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Work will never be the same again - here's why

Key priorities for businesses tackling digital transformation in 2018

Britain is currently facing a chronic tech skills deficit. With technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT),
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Robots are creating jobs, not removing them

Preparing for AI: Futureproofing your career

Time and again we hear about how technology continues to impact the workplace and the workforce. There have
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Planning for Organisational Change in time for GDPR

Planning for organisational change in time for GDPR

With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into place in May 2018, businesses are now faced with
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