How to hire quicker (and save money too)

How to hire quicker (and save money too)

Fact: recruitment is time consuming. So much so, that recruitment technologists Lever found it takes an average of 34 days, from the day an individual engages with your company to the day they’re hired.

Why does it take so long to recruit? Because there’s no short cuts. When you’re recruiting someone to join your team, you need to be absolutely certain that they’re the right person. And attracting, assessing, matching, interviewing, referencing candidates in the right way takes a while.

Added to this, research from the CIPD shows the average recruitment costs range from £2,000, up to £7,500 for Senior Managers. And this doesn’t even include the cost of your time, which could add thousands more pounds to the bill.

Time is money. Speed up your recruitment processes, and not only will you find the right person quicker, but you’ll save money too. Here are three improvements you can make to your recruitment processes to do just that:

Change your attraction methods

Yes, you can put an advert on a job board. And yes, you’ll probably get some applications. But are they from the right people? What if the perfect person for your opening isn’t on that job board? What if they’re not even actively looking for a new role? Job boards are great, but they need to be utilised alongside proactive, tailored forms of outreach, to ensure you attract the right people.

Simplify the application process

People are busy. They don’t want to spend hours upon hours completing application forms, assessments, and countless interviews. If they’re interested in joining your company, you need to make the application process as straightforward, quick and pain-free as possible. This will ensure they engage with you and your jobs, over and above your competitors.

Improve candidate experiences

It happens all the time. Candidates apply for a job, and don’t hear back. No feedback, no interaction, nothing. However, while they might not be right for your job opening right now, treat them badly and it’s unlikely they’ll engage with you on an opportunity they are right for. Spend a small amount of time right now on your candidate experience, and you’ll save hours of time on candidate attraction in the future.

At Manpower, we can do all of this for you. For 60 years, we’ve helped employers of all sizes find and keep the people they need. We can take on as much or as little of the recruitment process as you wish. And we’ll find you the person (or people) who are the perfect match for your company.

We’ll save you time, without cutting corners, so you can focus on your core business, and still get your pick of the best.

If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you recruit great talent, get in touch with your local Manpower team today.

4 reasons to recruit in November

When November rolls around, one thing is for sure: businesses across the country start to sprint for the finishing line. They’re focused on achieving as much as they can in the final few weeks, so they can wrap up the year and start anew in 2017. So there’s often a tendency to put off making any more permanent hires until the New Year.

As a result, there are countless missed hiring opportunities at the end of the year. But with talent shortages continuing to increase, businesses simply can’t afford to miss out on great talent. Here are four great reasons why you should recruit in November:

End of year reflections

When the pumpkins have been and gone and festive celebrations are just around the corner, it’s natural to reflect on the year that’s just past. So it comes as no surprise that candidates start to get itchy feet about their job. They might be unhappy with their commute, bored with the projects they’ve been assigned to, or something else entirely. Either way, they’re open to new opportunities – you just need to present them.

Kick start the New Year

Spend Q4 finding and securing the right person, and they can hit the ground running in the New Year. They’ll be on board in plenty of time to hear about your strategy for the year and put their ideas on the table. And as a Hiring Manager, you won’t spend the first month of the year interviewing. That means you can focus on activities that will make a real contribution to the bottom line.

Beat the competition

Your competitors may slow down their hiring, but if you speed it up you’ll be in a prime position to secure some great talent from under their nose. Highlight all of the perks that come with working at your organisation. Flexible working hours, training programmes, advancement opportunities, onsite facilities and competitive pay can all help to draw the best talent.

Build your talent pipeline

Not everyone you speak with will be interested in the exact role you’re recruiting for. But they might be perfect for a role in 2017. Use this as an opportunity to build a rapport and relationship with them, so you’re the first person they turn to when they start to look for new opportunities in the New Year. At the same time, ask them if they know anyone else who might be a good fit for the role.

At Manpower, we know a thing or two about attracting and securing talent. Every year, we partner with 5,000 employers of all sizes, to help them find the talent they need. That means attracting millions of candidates from all four corners of the country. It also means engaging with them in the right way, so they can step in and contribute to your business right away.

Want to find out more about how we can help you recruit in November? Get in touch with your local Manpower team today.

4 ways the technological revolution will impact on your hiring process

Automation, artificial intelligence and robotics have already made a big impact on the world of work – and we’re only just at the beginning of the technological revolution.

Though some jobs will be eliminated by technology, this doesn’t have to be a battle of human vs. robot. Technological revolutions are creating new opportunities, and new ways of getting work done. Nonetheless, employers need to adapt their approach to talent, if they’re to succeed in the Human Age.

Here are 4 ways the technological revolution will impact on your talent strategies, and some straightforward steps you can take to adapt:

The technological revolution means nurturing your team is even more important

Career success is increasingly being determined by a person’s learnability—their ability to grow their skills throughout their working life. It comes as no surprise. After all, technological innovations continually change the way work gets done. So we all need to be able to grow and evolve our skill set, if we’re to remain employable.

In the past, employers had more time, managers and resources to develop people. Sometimes that’s not the case anymore – but it needs to be firmly back on the agenda. Employers need to recognise and reward learnability. By nurturing the workforce in this way, employers will ensure their people keep up with changing skill requirements. This will ensure their organisation is equipped with the critical skills it requires in the long-term.

You’ll need to be more flexible

From the Airbnb landlord to the Uber taxi driver – the so-called ‘Gig Economy’ is now a daily phenomenon. Technology platforms are transforming how all kinds of day-to-day tasks are completed. And this new way of getting work done is giving candidates the power to decide how, where, and when they want to work.

For employers, this is opening up new ways of harnessing talent locally and virtually. It can’t be ignored; the end of the traditional 9 to 5 is nigh. And it’s those organisations that adapt, become more flexible, and are open to alternative employment models, who will win.

It’s time to really consider the competition

The technological revolution has opened up countless new candidate attraction channels – PPC campaigns, geo-targeted advertising, SEO-optimised microsites, online job boards and much more. Never before has there been so many different ways of identifying and engaging with jobseekers.

This has created a new challenge: standing out from the competition. If your pay, benefits and culture aren’t competitive and appealing, then tough luck. In-demand candidates will have plenty of other opportunities waiting in their inbox to choose from. As a result, it’s time to compare how your remuneration package compares to others in your industry and local area, and adjust accordingly.

Start selling your organisation to candidates

Today’s jobseekers will spend most of their lives at work. So they want to know well in advance what their return on investment. From online review sites to social media – as technology has evolved, jobseekers are being given more ways to find out what it’s really like to work at an organisation.

All of this means that an employer’s brand isn’t limited to the marketing team anymore. Therefore you need to ensure every step of your application process sells your organisation as an employer of choice. Ask yourself this: why do you like working at your company? Cement this into your attraction strategy, and you’ll be well placed to attract in-demand candidates to your business.

Watch our new YouTube series to find out more about the technological revolution Human Age trends which are driving changes in today’s world of work.