PODCAST: Schneider Electric Empowering Senior Talent

PODCAST: Schneider Electric Empowering Senior Talent

In this episode of the Transform Talent Podcast, host Georgina Huntley, ManpowerGroup Talent Director, sits down with Mayra San Felipe, Learning Solutions Partner at Schneider Electric. Discover how Schneider Electric’s innovative senior talent program is not only enhancing the workplace experience for their older employees but also driving significant positive impacts across the business.

Join us as we delve into the value of a multigenerational workforce and explore how Schneider Electric’s initiatives demonstrate the substantial benefits of such programs. Don’t miss this insightful discussion on creating a more inclusive and effective workplace.

Check out our Seasoned Workers report where we explored the value of having seasoned workers in the workplace. Tune in and be inspired by the positive changes that embracing diversity can bring to your organisation.

Helping employers stand out from the crowd

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the UK currently has an employment rate of 74.3%. This indicates that competition amongst employers for the best talent is more intense than ever. With a plethora of opportunities available, candidates have the luxury of choice regarding where they want to work. Coupled with a skills shortage in the marketplace, employers must now find innovative ways to attract the best workers.

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Maximising talent potential: Harnessing skills for retaining your multi-generational workforce

In today’s competitive landscape, to achieve organisational success the focus must be on skills. Recruiting the right skills in the first instance, knowing where you can get those skills from, enabling employees to reskill, nurturing and retaining your talent will boost productivity and cultivate a resilient and thriving workforce culture. This webinar is available on-demand as we delve deeper into the conversation and look at strategies for identifying and maximising your internal talent with our expert panel.

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Working in administration in the NHS: A vital role

If you’re looking for a rewarding career where you can make a real difference, working in the NHS as an administrative staff member might be just what you’re looking for. You’ll be a key player in ensuring everything runs smoothly, providing essential support to both clinical and non-clinical teams. From keeping meticulous records to making sure patients and other organisations can reach the right person for help, NHS administrative staff are the unsung heroes who keep the health service ticking.

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Navigating cloud security risks: A 2024 roadmap for businesses

Navigating cloud security risks: A 2024 roadmap for businesses

As businesses increasingly migrate to the cloud to leverage its scalability, efficiency and innovation potential, the landscape of cloud security risks continues to evolve. In 2024, these risks are more sophisticated than ever, demanding a strategic approach to ensure robust security measures. This article delves into the prevalent cloud security risks identified by experts and outlines effective strategies to mitigate these challenges.

Common cloud security risks and vulnerabilities

  1. Misconfigurations
    Cloud misconfigurations remain a significant security risk, with varying default configurations and service implementations across multiple providers complicating security efforts. The diversity in cloud environments can lead to vulnerabilities that are ripe for exploitation​​.
  2. Data breaches
    Sensitive data breaches are a looming threat in cloud computing, with misconfigurations and inadequate runtime protection providing openings for unauthorised access. The theft of personally identifiable information (PII) and personal health information (PHI) is particularly lucrative for cybercriminals​​.In 2024, IT Governance reported there were over 2 billion known recorded breaches within the IT services and software sector being the second most breached sector.
  3. Insider threats
    Human errors and insider threats constitute a substantial risk, with employees or partners unintentionally leading to security vulnerabilities. In Thales’ 2023 Cloud Security Study, they identified that human error was the top cause of breaches. Addressing these threats involves a focus on access management and comprehensive security training​​​​.
  4. Account takeover attacks
    Social engineering tactics, such as phishing which happens to be the single most common form of cyber-attack, are used to gain unauthorised access to cloud accounts, underscoring the need for vigilance and sophisticated security measures to counter these attacks​​.
  5. Software supply chain risks
    The complexity of software supply chains introduces additional risks, with vulnerabilities in third-party services potentially leading to significant security breaches. Effective management of these supply chain threats is crucial for maintaining cloud security​​.
  6. Talent gap in cloud security
    The global shortage of cyber security professionals presents a challenge for businesses, making it difficult to address the intricate cyber security needs of cloud-native environments. This gap necessitates innovative solutions to bolster cloud security efforts​​.

Mitigation strategies

We’ve given an overview of common pitfalls around cloud security, but what can you do to combat these risks? There is no one answer as businesses must adopt a comprehensive and multi-faceted security strategy, including but not limited to:

Regular risk assessments: Continuous risk assessments are essential for identifying and prioritising new vulnerabilities, ensuring that security measures remain effective against evolving threats​​.

Enhanced access control: Strict access controls and adherence to the Principle of Least Privilege can significantly mitigate the risk of unauthorised access and data breaches​​​​.

Robust data encryption: Encrypting data in transit and at rest, coupled with secure data storage practices, is critical for protecting sensitive information from unauthorised access​​.

Comprehensive monitoring: Ongoing monitoring and auditing of cloud activities help in early detection of suspicious behaviour and potential security breaches, enabling timely response​​.

Employee training: Regular training sessions for employees on the latest security threats and best practices are vital for minimising risks associated with human error and insider threats​​​​.

Third-party risk management: Thorough vetting of third-party vendors and secure management of API keys and credentials are key steps in mitigating software supply chain risks​​.

Addressing the cyber security talent gap: Leveraging external partners like Experis and SaaS products, along with empowering developers through shift-left initiatives, can help overcome the challenges posed by the shortage of cyber security professionals​​.

In conclusion, as cloud computing becomes integral to business operations, understanding and mitigating cloud security risks is paramount. By implementing these strategies, businesses can navigate the complex landscape of cloud security in 2024, safeguarding their data and systems against potential threats.

While cloud brings risks, the good far outweighs the bad, and moving applications to the cloud can support your business to be more efficient and perform better. It’s worth remembering Cloud is a shared responsibility where the provider has the tools to secure the environment but then it’s up to the customer to utilise these properly for greater effect.

Our latest whitepaper, Cloudy Waters – The IT Leaders Guide to De-risking Your Cloud Integration Project, is available here to support your cloud strategy.

Retain, engage, succeed: Decoding attrition in contact centres

The UK’s talent shortage, which has persisted for many years, has been aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic. As the world of work continues to evolve post-pandemic, the dynamic between employers and employees has changed significantly. Workers now hold more power, and when their needs are not met, they are quick to leave.

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Webinar: Is total compensation the key to employee satisfaction?

Webinar: Is total compensation the key to employee satisfaction?

What truly drives lasting employee satisfaction?

In partnership with HR Grapevine, we hosted an interactive, thought-provoking webinar to navigate the essential balance between fair compensation and additional benefits and its relation to employee satisfaction. Access the webinar and you will discover how this approach cultivates a positive workplace culture which fosters unwavering loyalty and organisational success.

Join the discussion and uncover key insights on:

  • The importance of offering competitive salaries while integrating a range of additional benefits, including bonuses and perks to create a comprehensive and appealing compensation package
  • The impact of customising compensation packages to individual employee needs and preferences, recognising that a one-size-fits-all approach may not align with diverse expectations.

A people-first manifesto: Unlocking future prosperity

We’re just three weeks into the UK’s election campaign, and political battle lines are being drawn with the major parties releasing their manifestos this week. As the 4 July deadline looms, we’re hearing pacts and promises on everything from training and apprenticeships, to net zero ambitions, to immigration, to workplace regulation.

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Experis Tech Talent Outlook Q3 2024

IT employers reported a Net Employment Outlook of +29% for the third quarter of 2023. Hiring demand has cooled slightly by -3% since the previous quarter and by -14% when compared to the same time last year. Meanwhile, 77% of IT organisations in the UK report difficulty finding the talent they need. New data reveals 36% of IT organisations report they are fully leveraging AI tools including ChatGPT, machine-learning and virtual reality (VR).

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Q3 ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey: Key findings

It’s June already, and summer – not to mention a surprise general election – is already almost upon us. The results of our latest ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey are also now in. Looking at the data, there’s positive-yet-cautious hiring intent evident amongst the Survey’s 2,100 UK respondents going into the second half of the year.

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