Words at Work – A guide to pronouns in the workplace

ManpowerGroup is committed to do all we can to strengthen diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging within our company, and in the workplaces and communities in which we live and operate. We know from our vast experience with human capital across global labour markets that we must nurture a workplace culture that supports people feeling comfortable bringing their full selves to work, and unleash everyone’s human potential.

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Automotive World of Work Outlook

The automotive industry is undergoing a radical transformation, as new technologies, consumer preferences and environmental concerns reshape the mobility landscape. Electric vehicles (EVs), autonomous driving, connected cars and shared mobility are driving the demand for new skills and competencies in the automotive workforce. New players are entering the industry, further driving demand for skilled talent.

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Diverse Thinking: The best practice guide for leaders to increase diversity in IT

Diverse Thinking: The best practice guide for leaders to increase diversity in IT

Diversity in the IT sector remains a huge challenge, with only 15% of the UK’s tech workforce coming from ethnically diverse backgrounds. Gender diversity is also falling behind at 19%, contrasting with the 49% representation seen in other job sectors. The emphasis on diversity within IT teams has grown in recent years, particularly as DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging) receives increasing attention in boardrooms. There’s a growing demand from customers, employees and various stakeholders for organisations to prioritise diversity and inclusion, as they drive for a positive change in the workplace.

Our Diverse Thinking guide offers a seven-step strategy for encouraging diversity within your IT teams. Our guide outlines the benefits this can have for an organisation such as greater productivity, improved hiring processes and enhanced employee value propositions.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to implement a seven-step strategy to encourage DEIB  
  • Unbiased hiring processes: How to minimise bias in hiring by focusing on potential skills rather than existing ones, and the benefits of this approach
  • Attracting diverse talent: Using job descriptions, company culture and effective use of channels to access a wider range of candidates
  • Retention: Effective strategies to promote retention through career planning and a supporting environment
  • Tracking diverse measurements: Through representations, compensation and performance
  • Expert tips and advice: IT professionals give their expert guidance within tech talent and DEIB practices.

Who should download this guide?

Our guide has been developed to provide HR and IT leaders with the knowledge and strategies to create a more inclusive and diverse IT workforce. But the insights can be used to support the expansion and implementation of DEIB practices in many other areas of the organisation as well. Download now and become an expert in diverse thinking.

Working in supported housing and hostels

The work of support workers in supported housing and hostels involves more than just providing a place to stay; it is about creating a nurturing environment where residents can rebuild their lives. This work is a cornerstone in helping residents regain stability, fostering a sense of community, and ultimately enabling them to move towards greater independence and wellbeing.

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