Why exit interviews should be a central component of any talent retention strategy

A combination of rising energy costs, inflation and the cost of living crisis means that many organisations will have less capital to invest in recruitment – with 21% of UK businesses feeling cautious about hiring new employees or contractors in fear of a recession, resulting in hiring intentions falling 10% year- on-year. At the same time, employees are looking for improved renumeration to help manage the personal impact of the same economic factors. This is likely to lead to a disconnect between businesses and their workforces, with employers wanting to retain talent but lacking the financial capacity to raise salaries in line with what their employees are demanding.

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Protecting culture when the leadership mantle is passed on

The demands placed upon leaders and their businesses by employees are continuously evolving. They are expected to understand, reflect and respond to the values, wants and needs of their entire workforce, especially if they wish to retain talent in an extremely competitive market. And recent ManpowerGroup research has identified a number of workforce trends that are driving a response from leaders across all sectors.

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Talent Shortage Survey 2023

4 in 5 employers globally report difficulty finding the talent they need in 2023, strengthening +2 percentage points year-over-year and more than five times the difficulty in 2015 (14%). Shifting demographics, including shrinking birth rates and the rise in early retirees, means talent is more scarce than ever before. From Communication Services to Energy & Utilities, employers are struggling to find the skilled talent they need.

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How coaching has the power to help quiet quitters find their voice again

As ongoing economic difficulties driven by rising energy costs, inflation and the cost of living crisis mean organisations are less able to invest in recruitment, many business leaders will instead be looking to maximise the potential of their existing workforce. However, the quiet quitting trend hasn’t gone away, and so while business leaders are contending with increased running costs, they’re also relying on employees who may have mentally checked out of their roles to drive results for the organisation.

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ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey – Q2 2023

UK employers report a buoyant labour market with the Net Employment Outlook rising to +21%, up two percentage-points since last quarter and down ten percentage-points on Q2 2022. In the context of record low unemployment and a historically tight labour market, employers continue to struggle to attract skilled talent, and in demand workers can’t find employers that fit their pay and skills needs. ManpowerGroup is advising employers revisit their essential skills requirements and consider what can be learnt on the job.

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