The Talent Shortage

Labour markets are striving to rebound from the impacts of the pandemic, catalysing a talent shortage of historical scale. More than 3 out of every 4 (78%) companies now report difficulty hiring – a 16-year high.

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Building capability and confidence through a coaching culture

It’s no secret that coaching is a key enabler for employee growth and enhanced business performance, with 2 in 3 coachees citing improved job performance as a result of their support. 27% of employees are demanding greater investment in their training and development, and businesses are now able to be more responsive to these expectations thanks to the democratisation of coaching through digital platforms such as RightCoach.

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PODCAST: Hire and Retain Diverse Talent with DEIB

In our latest Transform Talent Podcast, we are discussing hiring and retaining diverse talent with DEIB. To attract a diverse workforce of top talent, organisations must foster diverse and inclusive cultures and in this podcast, we have invited Devi Virdi, Group Head of Diversity and Inclusion at Centrica, and Nina Pagon, Consultant and DEIB Lead at Right Management UK, to share their perspectives on this timely topic.

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How to attract new talent into the driving profession

Recent years have seen a growing crisis in attracting and retaining HGV drivers. In 2021, the Road Haulage Association (RHA) estimated that there’s now a shortage of more than 100,000 qualified drivers in the UK, while our Talent Shortage Survey has found driving to be among the top ten hardest skills to find. And the well-reported driver shortage is set to continue.

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WFHForever: The workplace revolution

There’s a revolution going on, and it started with a virus. As the first wave of Covid 19 crashed across the UK, and large swathes of the workforce moved to remote working, WFH became a familiar meme to millions. According to the Office for National Statistics, at the peak of the first wave, almost half of all workers were working from home at least one day a week. In the communications, information and tech industries, WFH numbers were close to 70%. Almost overnight, long-established work routines were replaced by Zoom calls, casual dress, flexi-hours, and the commute from bedroom to kitchen. For many workers, this was ‘working 2.0’ and they liked what they found.

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The Human Age Edition 13: The Great Realisation

2022 has the potential to be one of the most transformative years in recent history. As we enter the post-pandemic reality, companies are realising they need to do more to attract and retain skilled, diverse workers and people in turn are looking for more from their employers to thrive at work.

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