Full Speed Ahead: The Tech Revolution Goes into Hyperdrive

Remote work, online ordering, and click and collect are just some of the lasting impacts of the pandemic as every company has now become a digital business. More than 80% of employers have accelerated digitisation in response to COVID-19, and consumers and employees alike now expect tech to make the way they live and work easier.

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PODCAST: Changing Dynamics of the Contingent Labour Market

Organisations have been increasing their use of contingent workers over the decades, but the pace of that change is accelerating. In the new normal of talent shortages, changing business models and increased economic volatility, 73% of organisations expect to increase their use of contingent workers in the next 12-18 months. At the same time, only 23% have a plan for leveraging a contingent workforce strategy in place.

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#BreakTheBias Gender Equity At Work

New research from ManpowerGroup reveals that while 86% of companies are measuring gender parity, most are looking purely at pay equity (often driven by regulation), with far fewer measuring the number of women in traditionally male dominated roles and the number of women in senior leadership positions.

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