Is a salary enough?

As the recovery from the pandemic continues, attracting and retaining talent remains a key focus for many organisations. But with the power balance between employers and current/future employees shifting, business leaders are having to identify incentives to help secure the talent needed for future success.

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Hiring boom across the UK’s port towns

Since the EU referendum in 2016, commentators have speculated that UK trading ports would be one area that would be hard-hit following any departure from the European market. Exports to the EU dropped dramatically in January following the UK’s departure from the EU market, but have been climbing steadily once again in recent months according to the Office for National Statistics, triggering hiring sprees across many of the UK’s port towns.

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How to build a digital workspace for today’s challenges

As the UK employment market goes from strength to strength, we are seeing the needs of digital talent, as well as companies, change. After a tougher market through the depths of the pandemic, now is the time to secure the best talent as their faith in the UK economy and employment market is restored.

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Working with Dyslexia

Talent Solutions and Made By Dyslexia, a not-for-profit organisation, are helping the world understand the value people with dyslexia bring, in order to develop a better understanding of dyslexic thinking in the recruitment process and the workplace, and to encourage organisations to recognise its importance in a fast changing world.

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The trends driving inclusive leadership

Having previously discussed what makes an inclusive leader and why inclusive leadership is integral to overall effectiveness, it’s clear that inclusivity is a focal point for many business leaders. But why? There is a growing social awareness around the lack of DE&I that has driven this shift, with the Black Lives Matter movement playing an integral part in highlighting the injustices often faced by those of an ethnic minority background.

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How online gaming can help attract and guide job candidates

Attracting top talent, especially younger candidates, is an ongoing challenge for companies in today’s fast-changing market. Employers are searching for the right fit, something that many are prioritising over a specific set of hard skills, while first-time job hunters may not know how their skills apply.

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What is Supplier Diversity and Why Do We Need It?

Diversity and Inclusion is about more than creating a workforce that represents a wide range of communities and experiences. It also extends to partnering with groups who have been historically, socially and economically underrepresented. In this article, we’re exploring what supplier diversity means and why it’s of value to organisations.

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Gender Equality is the Largest Challenge Post-Coronavirus

Data is already showing that the risk of a “She-cession” as a result of the pandemic is real. Not only have women taken on more responsibilities at home – schooling and caring for children and elderly relatives – but the roles most impacted by the pandemic in hospitality and entertainment, leisure and retail, are predominantly held by women.

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