What jobs and where: Q3 employment outlook demystified

To stay ahead of the competition and hire the best quality candidates for your roles, job location and remote working are now key considerations to factor into your recruitment strategy. COVID19 has broken down the geographic barriers for workers across the UK, meaning that a candidate could potentially work for any organisation across the country, without being restricted by their proximity to an employer’s location. We have the insights of who’s hiring for what jobs and in which locations.

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When asked if diversity and inclusion are the same thing, Ashish Kaushal, CEO at HireTalent and Co-Founder of Consciously Unbiased, had his answer ready: “Diversity is a number, inclusion is your culture”. Join us for a special Pride Month episode of our Transform Talent podcast as we ask Ashish Kaushal, an expert in transformation and tackling bias in the workplace, and Jennifer Torney, North American VP for Client Engagement at TAPFIN, to do some Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) myth busting!

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Top skills you need to succeed in the logistics and supply chain sector

Logistics and supply chain management is a critical business function for retail organisations and a vital part of the customer experience. Getting goods to consumers at the right time has never been more important as online retail soars and customer expectations evolve – we expect to have access to things more conveniently and faster than ever before.

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What Businesses Need to Know About RPA Bots

As businesses across the UK are faced with increasing instability, costs of labour and a shortage of skilled resources, we are seeing a rise in demand for alternative technology solutions that can help address and alleviate these challenges.

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The skills to build in a post-Brexit world

Within recent years, significant historical events have shaken up the recruitment industry, enabling some industries to prosper and impacting the skills organisations most need in their workforce. Drawing on insights from employers we work with and our knowledge of industry trends, we’re sharing how candidates can stand out from the competition in today’s world of work.

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The UK’s Growing Talent Shortage

COVID’s shuffling of the deck has created the biggest workforce shift and reallocation of skills since World War II – even those skills most in demand in the early phase of the crisis are different compared to demand emerging now and expected in future. But It’s not just skills specific to an industry or job title.

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How to Become a More Diverse and Inclusive Business

Being a diverse and inclusive business requires deliberate steps beyond willingness and words. Over the past few decades, we’ve seen that hiring and maintain a diverse workforce has become a moral imperative for many businesses. As businesses face a record high talent shortage, it’s now become an economic necessity. In today’s war for talent, the strongest businesses will be those that are the most diverse and inclusive.

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Job seeking tips in the new reality

With news articles running stories of individuals submitting more than 300 unsuccessful job applications, and the pandemic forcing 1.4 million workers to delay their retirement plans indefinitely; it’s perfectly understandable that many job seekers may be feeling apprehensive about what job prospects are out there.

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