Infographic: 7 secrets and lies of remote-work cybersecurity

Increasing the number of remote-workers opens up a gateway to your data, systems and, ultimately, your organisation. 60% of companies are being attacked since they implemented remote-working. Most take an average of 6 months to realise, and suffer large financial losses. Do you know how secure your business, customer and employee information is? Here are 7 secrets and lies about remote-work cybersecurity.

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How can we get our people safely back to work?

Like many of us, I was surprised and impressed at just how adaptable the UK workforce proved itself to be in its first response to the Covid-19 health crisis, with many businesses up and running remotely in a matter of days. Now, as we carefully descend the other side of the curve, we face a new set of challenges. As people, businesses and economies around the world start thinking about a return to “normal”, essential planning is needed to normalise the workplace, limit damage to the economy and help people make a meaningful living.

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Starting a new job remotely

When you’re starting a new role, your typical first day might consist of meeting with your new manager, picking up your equipment, trying to learn the names of your co-workers, and working out where the post room, toilets and printers are. But what if your new job is remote?

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Transferable skills to highlight on your CV

The economy has shifted at a rapid place, with some sectors losing workers, while others can’t add talent fast enough to keep up with demand. Fields such as logistics and customer service are fast-growing, and have plenty to offer. For workers who find themselves searching for a job, making the leap to a different industry is possible.

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