Attracting Millennial Customers and Workers to Insurance Firms

Attracting Millennial Customers and Workers to Insurance Firms

Millennials are replacing Baby Boomers as the insurance industry’s largest customer base. They’re investing in new businesses, buying new cars and homes, and starting families; while Baby Boomers are starting to think about retirement. Insurers that want to secure long-term growth need to build a solid Millennial customer base, yet this often proves to be challenging. Nonetheless, organisations that get this right and appeal to younger customers could inadvertently find they also become a more attractive employer as a result.

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Why Data-Driven HR Practices Champion Diversity

Those companies that champion diversity yet hire individuals based on ‘cultural fit’ risk perpetuating a non-diverse workforce. ‘I liked them’ is no longer an acceptable reason for making a hire. In fact, one of HR’s greatest enemies is intuition: especially where the majority of people who trust their gut feeling and identify themselves as intuitive may not actually be intuitive at all.

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Adapting the Workplace to Retain Entry-Level Talent

If employers don’t adapt their working practices to meet new expectations, their most valuable employees will start voting with their feet. The world of work is transforming faster than ever before, and it’s time for HR to upset the apple cart: to stop using the same approaches and to start challenging their senior leadership teams – or risk losing top talent.

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ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey – Q3 2019

ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey - Q3 2019

The ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey for the third quarter 2019 was conducted by interviewing a representative sample of 2,101 employers in the UK. All survey participants were asked, “How do you anticipate total employment at your location to change in the three months to the end of September 2019 as compared to the current quarter?”

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