Five Ways Organisations Can Prepare Their Workforce For IoT

Five Ways Organisations Can Prepare Their Workforce For IoT

For businesses, IoT offers a huge opportunity to harness data, optimise their operations and deliver ever more relevant experiences to their customers. It also represents a significant challenge. By connecting more and more devices to one another, businesses are leaving themselves exposed to security threats in ways never previously thought possible.

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Technology Is Transforming The Insurance Workforce

Technology Is Transforming The Insurance Workforce

Insurance is a careful balancing act. Since it’s typically based on a risk-distribution model, individuals or companies are grouped together based on certain behaviours or attributes, and premiums are charged accordingly. Charge too much, and potential customers will look elsewhere. But if you charge too little, or if there are more claims than anticipated, then it’s the insurer that will feel the pinch.

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The Future of Insurance Recruitment

The Future of Insurance Recruitment

The insurance industry is being transformed, because people and businesses want different things from their insurers than they did in the past. They’re looking for insurers that offer greater personalisation, ultra-flexibility, increased convenience, and better value for money – all this, without making any compromises on their cover or taking on additional risk.

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Integrating Humans With Machines

Integrating Humans With Machines

Robot workers replacing human jobs – the debate of the decade. In reality, the opposite looks true. ManpowerGroup’s report Humans Wanted: Robots Need You found that more employers than ever – 87% – plan to increase or maintain headcount as a result of automation.

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