Talent Strategies For The Skills Revolution

Talent Strategies For The Skills Revolution

Talent shortages are at a 12-year high and new skills are appearing as quickly as old ones disappear. To ensure the long-term success of their company and to provide people with ongoing employment security, organisations must accelerate their efforts to upskill and reskill employees for the new world of work.

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How Digitally Mature Is Your Company?

How Digitally Mature Is Your Company?

All companies are on a digital transformation journey. Technology is creating infinite opportunities – impacting the way organisations communicate with customers, allocate resources, structure their business, and more.

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How Does The UK Labour Market Compare To The Rest of the World?

How Does The UK Labour Market Compare To The Rest of the World?

It goes without saying that structural changes are having a significant impact on the UK labour market. Against a backdrop of tepid economic growth and ongoing uncertainty, employment has continued to stand at record high levels, while unemployment remains low. This is creating a tight labour market, with immense competition for talent.

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UNLEASH 2019 – Leadership in the #MeToo Era

UNLEASH 2019 - Leadership in the #MeToo Era

ManpowerGroup is proud to sponsor UNLEASH in London on 19 and 20 March 2019. As Europe’s #1 HR event, it will showcase smarter ways of working and latest business transformation insights to thousands of decision makers, visionaries, technology buyers, and disruptors.

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