IR35 – preparing for what’s next

Improving business agility through Managed Services

With changes to IR35 set to go into effect in April 2017, the private sector can take lessons from the public sector approach, to stay ahead of potential future changes that could impact them.

Let’s take a closer look at the upcoming changes, the business risks involved, and the steps organisations can take to prepare for its impact.

What are the upcoming changes and what is the objective of the changes?

The main change to IR35 proposed by the Government is to shift the responsibility of ensuring individuals are paying the right tax to the entity paying the personal service company (PSC) (‘the fee payer’). The objective is to make it harder for individuals to falsely operate as a PSC in order to reduce their tax liabilities.

Who will be affected by the legislation?

For this round of changes, the legislation will apply in any instance where the end client is a public sector body. So, whether you’re a public sector body who works with contractors or a third party organisation who provides contractor support to the public sector, you need to pay close attention to the changes and how they might impact your organisation.

The changes will not impact private sector ‘engagers’ at this point, providing that they are not supplying contractors to the public sector. It is our belief, however, that similar provisions will be rolled out to the private sector in the future.

For those private sector clients who are providing services to the public sector, the position is a bit less clear. According to the legislation, if the private sector entity is clearly providing outsourced services, then the PSCs they use to deliver that will be deemed out of scope. However, it will require a case-by-case basis review of the contract that the private sector entity has with the end public sector client to make that final decision.

What are the risks employers should be aware of?

The Government estimates that only circa 10% of PSCs are currently complying correctly with the intermediaries legislation. As such, the application of the proposed legislation carries significant risk of disruption to businesses using PSC workers to deliver services into the public sector. Several of the keys areas employers should consider are:

Continuity of service
The Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE) suggest that 54% of the 26,000 PSCs currently providing services into the public sector will seek to stop providing those services if the engager is permitted to deduct tax and National Insurance Contributions (NICs) on their behalf.

PSCs will inevitably seek opportunities in the private sector to avoid the legislation, not only disrupting in-flight public sector projects, but also driving up rates in the public sector through deemed risk premiums.

The risk of ‘brain drain’ in the public sector and organisations that primarily work with the public sector is significant. This may cause a number of projects to be severely affected until they can find talent willing and able to work in this capacity.

We anticipate that the majority of engagers will take a cautious approach and determine as default that the PSCs are in scope and, therefore, deduct tax and NICs at source.

Failure to attract top resources
Unless a clear strategy is in place to continue the use of PSCs on existing terms, clients risk losing resource to competitors/less risky projects. As no one party in the contracting chain will have all of the information to make the decision, with regard to the services being carried out by a PSC worker, a clear process will need to be agreed to facilitate the review process and prevent losing resources through delays.

Cost increases
It’s important to remain aware of potential cost implications. For example, Deloitte has estimated that the average reduction in net pay to a PSC would be 13%. And IPSE predicts 40% of public sector PSCs will seek an increase in their rates to compensate for any additional tax liabilities.

How can organisations prepare for changes to IR35 to mitigate the risks and optimise their use of talent in the long term?

There are already a number of options that organisations should consider deploying now in order to mitigate some of the potential risks.

Employed consultants
As payrolled employees (employed permanently by an external agency), Employed Consultants (ECs) are already outside of the scope of the new legislation and, therefore, would represent a steady investment for any project – as well as the cost savings and flexibility ECs can already offer to organisations. ECs could either replace your existing contingent workforce, or your existing contractors may consider becoming ECs.

Statement of work projects
If developed correctly, deliverable or outcome-based solutions will ensure that all PSC work can meet IR35-compliant requirements.

Managed service
If organisations have a significant number of contractors, the likelihood is that the new regulations will significantly increase the time required to process these individuals, as well as increasing financial risk for an organisation. By implementing a Managed Service, employers can avoid this by transferring all of the administration and risk to a master vendor. In addition, this model will also create a standardised application of the new regulations. This will prevent discrepancies in the supply chain which could produce significant reputational and logistical risk if left unchecked.

Experis is committed to helping smooth the process as companies prepare for the IR35 changes. We are working closely with our clients on an individual basis to understand the true nature of the services being provided; the most effective channel in which to provide them; and then working with them to proactively communicate options to their PSC base.

This article first appeared in the sixth edition of The Human Age newspaper.

The Human Age Newspaper – Sixth Edition

The Human Age Newspaper – Sixth Edition

Technology’s impact on the world of work is just getting started. At such a pivotal time in history, the role of humans has never been more important.  Fully harnessing the possibilities of technology requires individuals who can augment and align it to business needs. As a result, talent continues to be a critical competitive differentiator for organisations.

At ManpowerGroup, we’re firmly focused on the future of work and on the positive impact of embracing technological transformation. Our innovative workforce solutions help employers take an insightful look into their business and ensures their workforce is fully prepared for what lies ahead in the Human Age.

The Latest Workforce Trends

The Human Age newspaper is our overview of the current and future workforce trends which are challenging employers to think differently about their workforce. This sixth edition focuses specifically on technology’s impact on the world of work, as well as providing an overview of some of the ways ManpowerGroup is helping organisations to address complex workforce challenges.

Highlights from the latest edition of the Human Age newspaper include:

  • Digitisation and the future workforce
  • The impact of taking a Total Talent Management approach
  • The evolving world of talent attraction
  • Unlocking the potential of the Apprenticeship Levy
  • IR35 – preparing for what’s next

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“At ManpowerGroup we share Ferrari’s vision that access to talent and speed to market are critical in this fast-changing world of work,” said Jonas Prising, Chairman & CEO of ManpowerGroup. “We are pleased to partner with Scuderia Ferrari in such a fast evolving market where innovation and technological development continues at a rapid pace. We are seeing the emergence of a Skills Revolution and finding the right balance of technology, talent and human connection will be what enables both people and businesses to succeed.”

What workforce challenges lie ahead for manufacturing?

What Workforce Challenges Lie Ahead for Manufacturing?

I recently read a report which found that optimism in the UK’s manufacturing sector has reached a 20-month high. It’s great to see such positive outlooks being reported. However, without wanting to be negative, the ability for the manufacturing sector to realise significant growth depends on their ability to secure and retain a strong, highly skilled workforce. And that’s going to be a challenge.

In the years to come, it’s inevitable that manufacturing will be one of the sectors most affected by digitisation. Automated manufacturing isn’t anything new; many manufacturers already rely on robots to complete significant components of their production cycle. However, the progression of digitisation in manufacturing is set to sky rocket in the coming years.

Digitisation vs. manufacturing

As technology becomes more sophisticated, manufacturers will look to harness it’s capabilities in new, innovative ways – to increase output and productivity; reduce lead times; improve safety; enhance quality; and much more.

From a labour market perspective, we’re already seeing the impact of this on the manufacturing workforce. As the technological revolution has taken hold, total employment in manufacturing has declined, while output has grown. In fact, as our recent whitepaper outlined, between 1990 and 2014 manufacturing’s share of total employment fell across almost all advanced economies – by 34% in Japan, 33% in France, 31% in the US, and by 25% in Germany.

Nonetheless, new technologies can be expensive and require people with specialist skills to implement, optimise and maintain them. Consequently, manufacturers are still hesitant to say ‘hello automation, goodbye workers’ completely. However, these specialist skills continue to be in short supply and are difficult to find, secure and retain.

In fact, our latest Talent Shortage Survey found that Engineers are the third hardest to find skill in the UK; and Technicians are the 8th hardest to find. And looking to the future, the skills pipeline is still lacking. While there are plenty of initiatives out there which aim to increase the number of STEM skills in the workforce, these will take years to come to fruition. So, in the short-term, employers need to think differently about their attraction and retention strategies to ensure they are competitive.

Where are all the skills?

In the years to come, it’s inevitable that manufacturing will be one of the sectors most affected by digitisation. At the same time, the sector will continue to be hampered by a shortage of the specialist skills it desperately needs.

That’s where Manpower can help. We take hard-to-fill vacancies, and turn them into opportunities. With 60 years’ heritage in the UK, we know how to tap into scarce candidate markets and build compelling propositions that position our clients as an employer of choice.

If you’d like to find out more about our expertise in the manufacturing sector, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly on [email protected].

To find out more about our expertise in manufacturing recruitment and workforce planning, visit or email us at [email protected]

How can mergers and acquisitions (M&A) impact tech recruitment?

How can mergers and acquisitions (M&A) impact tech recruitment?

The explosion in the ‘Internet of Things’ has seen businesses recognise that they can drive more value out of their digital presence and assets. It’s created endless opportunities to drive new innovations, enhance user experiences, and streamline internal processes.

And with organisations hoping to harness these new digital revolutions, it’s hardly surprising that merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in the tech sector is on the up.

Some acquisitions are driven by a need to overcome skills shortages. Others are motivated by a desire to move into new markets or deliver new services, particularly when non-tech companies acquire innovative start-ups. Whatever the reason, M&A activity shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, for many tech organisations, it’s no longer a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’.

Nonetheless, when one company merges with another, resourcing strategies can be significantly impacted. As a result, during and after the process, it’s important for employers to reconsider their approach to acquiring and retaining talent.

Reconsidering the employer brand after M&A

First and foremost, when bringing in new workers after an acquisition, you’ll need to reconsider your employer brand strategy. You’ll need to review your proposition and offering as an employer. You’ll then need to reflect on how this aligns with the needs and preferences of your new total workforce.

After all, we all have very different work expectations. Failing to recognise and align to this can be detrimental to organisational productivity. You may struggle to retain vital skills too.

From a talent acquisition perspective, research shows that jobseekers rank organisations’ current employees as being the most credible source of information about the employer brand. In fact, they outrank company websites, employer review websites, social networks and news articles as go-to sources of information.

As a result, after any merger or acquisition, it’s important that you transform your newly acquired workforce into brand ambassadors. Make sure your entire workforce understands the essence of your employer value proposition and is able to articulate this with their peer groups. Current employees can be an invaluable source for new hires; therefore harnessing their networks in this way can enhance your overarching resourcing strategy.

As the business landscape continues to evolve, we should be ready for the future – whatever it may hold. In essence, it’s time to think longer-term. M&A activity will continue throughout the tech sector and organisations all need to be ready to adapt resourcing and employer brand strategies accordingly.

Whether you need an end-to-end recruitment strategy, or support with just one step in the resourcing continuum – Experis can help. We build and implement strategic resourcing strategies for permanent and interim positions that deliver the right solution for your organisation.

Contact us today to find out more about our extensive resourcing capabilities.

Artificial Intelligence: the future outlook

Artificial Intelligence: the future outlook

In light of the significant impact artificial intelligence (AI) is set to have on the world of work, we frequently speak with our clients and associates to compare viewpoints and find out how they are preparing for the changes ahead.

We recently spoke with Michael Rendell, Partner and Leader of Global HR Consulting Practice at PwC and Dr Nicola Millard, Head of Customer Insight & Futures in the BT Global Services Innovation Team. We’ve shared their interviews below.

1. What is your view on AI/automation and the likely effect this will have on the future World of Work?

AI and automation has the potential to make every worker 50% more efficient – achieved through simplifying the repetitive types of tasks that at the moment humans are relied upon to complete. It started with physical robots in manufacturing and with the development of AI the opportunity now extends to human led processes. This will touch all industries and professions and, unlike previous technology revolutions, will impact on all elements of the value chain. The effect will be most profound on those so called “white collar” jobs that have seen less change in the past – the “privilege of expertise” is under threat and with the democratisation of knowledge, the focus shifts to how experts add value through judgement rather than as a simple consequence of technical knowledge.

This shift has the potential to make the world of work much more satisfying and rewarding – as “intelligent machines” augment human activity and lift the burden of the uninteresting and repetitive activity. Collaboration between artificially intelligent machines and humans is the key. The types of work will change – many jobs will disappear but new roles will emerge. We will also see the development of more shared roles – partly carried out by a person and partly by an intelligent machine.

Implications of AI

2. As the impact of AI on the workforce increases- what key factors will be critical to the success of both individuals and employers alike?

Adaptive resilience – accepting the changes, while maintaining fall back arrangements that ensure critical processes can continue even if the AI fails to deliver. For individuals that will mean a period of dual skills – maintain the skills needed for the old ways, while developing the skills needed for the future. There will be a clear differentiation by age – the young will feel compelled to adapt, while the older workers will offer the resilience. The key attributes for employees in the future will be an ability to collaborate (both with others and with intelligent technology), agility and a hunger for change.

Successful employers will be those who are comfortable with disruption, focus on the tools to ensure successful collaboration and those that blend the best technology with the very best human skills. The key will be a clear understanding of what in their value chain adds real value and which components of this value adding activity is best performed by their employees (judgement, relationships, creativity, innovation etc) and by intelligent machines (faultless reputation, large data set analysis and pattern spotting, etc). Get this combination right and enterprises will thrive. For employers the goal will be achieving the right staff mix, and continually adjusting that mix as AI solutions are able to deal with more business processes.

3. As we adapt to new ways of working – what responsibility do employers have to ease the transition for employees?

In the adaptive resilience model, employers will need to alter their resourcing models – the most critical part of that will be retaining experienced staff through reskilling and retention for the period of transition – which could be 10 years. All of this will be happening at a time of staff becoming available on an individual contracting basis – but that should present no problems to the business that has all their expertise tied up in AI and automation solutions – just like the manufacturing robot – the developed expertise can never leave the building.

Enterprises in segments where AI will eliminate many roles have an obligation to explore how they turn their financial capital into social capital and find new ways of adding value to all their stakeholders (including the communities they support). This represents the biggest opportunity and challenge of the next 15 years.

4. What mind set do leaders need to successfully navigate this period of uncertainty and change?

For many enterprises AI represents more than just another technology development, business change or business process re engineering project. AI today and future development, has the power to change profoundly traditional business models and ways of creating value. We have been through the “hype cycle” and the change is real, today and into the future. The technology is getting exponentially less expensive and exponentially more powerful. The critical issues for leaders to consider when navigating this period of change are:

  • what data do I have and how do I access it (the rocket fuel for successful AI adoption is data)
  • do I have the right skills in my organisation and if not where do I find them and how do I attract them
  • how do I protect my IP
  • how do I invest and what is the ROI
  • who should I partner with and stay close to, and
  • how do I make my organisation agile and able to adapt to this change?

The challenge is to think not about what is possible today but to envisage what might be possible in two years and head towards that future – “…skating towards where the puck will be rather than where it is..” is critical when navigating the changes driven by AI.

5. How is your organisation preparing for the coming changes?

We have catalogued what we do, how we add value to our clients and wider stakeholders. We have tested this catalogue against the impact (now and future) of AI and begun a series of “experiments” to change/adapt our business and resourcing models. Some of these experiments are quite profound – for example, we have our first artificially intelligent PwC consultant focused on one area of expertise, some are less significant, for example we are developing chatbots to deal with mundane day to day question (“how do I….) by staff. This work is helping us define a clear strategy – with a focus on adaption and flexibility rather than a deterministic future vision. We are also continuing to develop relationships with both the largest and the smallest (start ups) organisations working in this space to stay right at the turbulent edge of this exciting development.
1. What is your view on AI/automation and the likely effect this will have on the future World of Work?

I think that having more intelligent technologies that take away the so-called “dull, dirty and dangerous” are potentially an amazing boost to productivity. Having technology manage my inbox, drive my car and fill out forms in duplicate frees me to do the things that actually matter.

I think that we probably overestimate the capabilities of these technologies (at least in the short to medium term) to eliminate entire jobs. There are jobs that are certainly at risk (mostly in transportation) and there is precedent for job categories to be eliminated (remember the typing pool) but they are likely to be in minority.

The more likely consequence is tasks will start to be eliminated – things like rekeying data into multiple different back end systems, transactional customer service queries, simple press releases and repetitive manual work.

This leaves us humans to do the more complex, emotive and empathetic work – skills like negotiation, innovation, creativity, manual dexterity and caring become more valued than they maybe are today. These are all things that are hard to codify into a machine – and AI is only as good as the data that is available to it. The explosion in data (due to increase as we move into an era of the internet of things, smart cities & buildings and clouds of clouds), coupled with deeper learning capabilities means that AI has a lot to work with, but it doesn’t have all the puzzle pieces. The puzzle is completed by human intelligence.

In short, these technologies make us value more what it is to be human.

2. As the impact of AI on the workforce increases – what key factors will be critical to the success of both individuals and employers alike?

There are a number of factors that we need to consider about the future workforce.

One of the more challenging issues to consider is that the trend towards wage polarisation that has already started with globalisation. This trend has caused considerable political instability and is one of many factors provoking the rise of nationalism, as a disenfranchised electorate voice their dissatisfaction with the situation.

AI has the potential to push this further. It is true that individuals who have the skills that are valuable (which includes carers, negotiators and complex problem solvers) are likely to be reaping the rewards, whilst those without the skills or the ability to adapt may get trapped in zero hours contracts, low wages and long term unemployment. This causes a ‘hollowing out’ effect that is extremely undesirable. Many solutions have been proposed for this – including a ‘universal minimum wage’ whether you are in employment or not, or a ‘robot tax’ to make the prospect of an entirely automated workforce less attractive to companies.

Another thing to consider is whether AI can start to provide employers with support for scarce skills, especially in science, technology, engineering and medicine. Simply importing these skills from other countries is likely to become increasingly difficult.

Medicine is a focus for AI developers because, to a certain extent, it is data driven (increasingly so as we start to wear and even ingest health monitoring devices). Capturing large data sets about health, combined with the deep learning capabilities of AI, can result in insights that help both clinicians and patients take real actions. This doesn’t eliminate the need to have clinicians – because they do A LOT more than just diagnostics – but it can be used to ensure that a clinician’s time with patients is optimised (especially as we have an aging population). The big challenge here is persuading patients to share their data with the AI in the first place.

One big clue to the future of AI can be found in Garry Kasparov’s experiences with IBM’s Deep Blue. The chess master was beaten by the machine in 1997. At that point he could have simply have thrown in the towel and given up. However, from that defeat came ‘advanced chess’ – where human and machine in combination are pitted against other humans and machines. As a result, an average chess player can become a supreme champion. Machines play chess in different ways to humans and vice versa – but the combination can create better outcomes.

Simply put, smart people partnered with smart machines have the potential to superpower us, if the combination is right.

3. As we adapt to new ways of working – what responsibility do employers have to ease the transition for employees?

For those employees on the sharp end of the automation process – and whose jobs are largely eliminated – there are a number of responsibilities that employers need to consider.

For example, workers on a manufacturing production line may well have their manual jobs automated, but there is still a need for people to supervise the production process and fix the machines when they go wrong. These may well be skills that the existing workers can be trained to do – but it requires investment from the employer and a willingness to learn and adapt from the employee.

It’s not just manufacturing, though. Big law firms are pouring money into AI as a way of automating tasks traditionally done by junior lawyers. Again, like clinicians, this will leave lawyers to focus on complex, higher-value work. The dilemma is how junior lawyers learn their trade in the first place, if they no longer have the easy stuff to cut their teeth on. This challenges how they are trained and mentored by their employers.

For employees who have more choice about accepting or rejecting AI, it will only work if employees actually embrace it.

Our experiences in the first wave of AI deployment in the 1990s illustrated this.

We deployed a neural network based knowledge system to help our customer service agents diagnose complex international private network faults. The idea was to allow them to concentrate on the customer, rather than the diagnostics. One deployment heavily involved the customer service agents in terms of both their knowledge and also figuring out what diagnostics worked and what didn’t. Another simply pushed data at them (and was also often wrong, but the agents had limited recourse in telling it that it was wrong). The first system worked pretty well, the second was largely ignored – neither were ultimately implemented because the technology was unwieldy and expensive to maintain at the time (the technology has moved a long way since then) but the lesson was learned: you can’t just drop technology on employees and expect them to embrace it wholeheartedly.

There is some horrible psychology underlying why we adopt or reject technologies. However, it boils down to 3 ‘U’s: Useful, Usable, Used.

Useful – We need to believe that the technology will actually help us do what we want to do (i.e. functionality) otherwise we won’t even consider using it. This is a belief rather than a reality – in reality, technologies typically do what they say on the tin. Our previous experiences will shape these perceptions (which is why it’s important to get new technologies right first time), as well as our confidence in using it and the perception of risk/accountability associated with the task. IT departments need to effectively “sell” the usefulness of AI to employees rather than just implement it and not tell anyone what it does.

Usable – we expect things to be both easy and intuitive to use and put us in control, otherwise we are unlikely to put the effort in to use them (unless we believe the effort is worth it). In terms of design, much of this falls under the banner of ‘usability’. Putting effort into the experience design process and trialling and testing things with employees can reap huge dividends in terms of getting new technologies like AI adopted.

Used – A technology that is not regarded as useful or usable is unlikely to be embraced by that many of us. Most of us need to actually successfully use and experience the technology to achieve our goals, otherwise we are unlikely to use it again. Peer influence effects (or ‘nudges’) can come into play here. Adoption is more likely to take place if our close colleagues or peers are using it. Leaders and managers need to lead by example by adopting the technology themselves.

4. What mindset do leaders need to successfully navigate this period of uncertainty and change?

Change is most definitely the norm these days, so leaders should already be used to managing uncertainty. I think that AI, especially, is getting overhyped and creating short term anxieties about things that are likely to happen in a much longer timescale. We are currently at the very start of the development of “cognitive AI” (i.e. AI that learns). What exists at the moment is “pattern matching” AI – which is already embedded in our lives every time we use services like Google, Netflix or Amazon. “Artificial General Intelligence” – which starts to match the capabilities and agility of a human – is still a good number of years away.

Our research work on employee morale shows that leaders can do 3 critical things to ensure that employees do not start to disengage with their work in the face of uncertainty.

  1. Recognise the value that their people bring to their work. People want to do work which is worthwhile and meaningful. They want to add value to their organisation and feel valued by the organisation in return. Telling them that they will be replaced by a machine probably isn’t the right approach here. Emphasising what they bring to the party and involving them in the change is a better way to go.
  2. Give employees a clear view of the future and a strong sense of progress towards that future. A sense that tomorrow is going to be better than today is crucial. People are able to tolerate far greater adversity if they can see that a situation is going to improve. Conversely, if people have no hope for the future, then morale will fall. It’s important to also understand that a lack of information about the future creates information voids. These are bad news. As Cyril Northcote Parkinson, the author of Parkinson’s Law, put it: “The void created by the failure to communicate is soon filled with poison, drivel and misrepresentation.”
  3. Create better relationships between employees. This is increasingly more important in a future where we are increasingly working alongside machines but also doing far more complex and challenging work. How we collaborate with each other and also with machines becomes central to employee engagement and productivity in the workplace. Leadership becomes less about command and control and more about establishing connections amongst employees and creating purpose for employees to collaborate.

5. How is your organisation preparing for the coming changes?

As Alan Kay once said: “the best way to predict the future is to invent it” – and this is very much the approach that we take to innovation. That’s why BT is a massive investor in research and innovation (the 3rd biggest in the UK). We have an innovation eco-system that comprises our own labs in the UK, Abu Dhabi, USA and China as well as university partners, tech scouts and customers around the world.

Research looking at applications of AI, the future of work, morale and collaboration are all exploring the practical impact of technologies like AI, cloud, the internet of things, collaboration and mobility on the ways that we do business. Rather than simply duplicate the analogue world into the digital one, we are looking at how we can reinvent the future world of work into the “digital possible”. This won’t work unless we develop different strategies from a people and process perspective, as well as from a technological one.

RPO implementation: the vital components

RPO implementation: the vital components

So, let’s say you’ve picked an RPO solution. The contract has been inked. So we’re ready to go live, right? Wrong! No matter how large and complex, or small and short time-framed – the most important part of any RPO solution is the implementation period.

Essentially, RPO implementation is the client’s first impression of the RPO provider after the sales process. (Although, having said that, a good sales process should involve the Implementation Team much earlier in the process… more on that another time!). As a result, this phase is the key foundation for success of the overall RPO programme.

The must-haves in RPO implementation

RPO implementation bridges the sales and programme delivery process. It ensures all details are in place for a successful programme launch. This will minimise disruption when rolling out the solution and provide a seamless transition. A well-run implementation confirms that the organisation has chosen the right supplier, and sets the scene for the contract period lying ahead.

The three keys to a successful RPO implementation are:


The Implementation Team shouldn’t just consist of supplier-side project managers. It should also incorporate project managers from the client-side too – with executive sponsorship from both sides and the key stakeholders that will deliver and receive the solution. It’s important to note here that RPO is not outsourcing in the traditional sense. It is achieved in partnership between the supplier and the customer, who will share in the success of the programme.

Process and Scope

The project management methodology that governs an implementation is vital. The RPO provider needs project management credentials (Prince2, AMP or similar) with a defined process and approach, to ensure the solution is fit for purpose. This will ensure the successful launch and execution of the solution. It should also incorporate room for continuous improvement to allow for flexibility and modifications, if necessary.

Technology and Timings

It’s likely that you will implement multiple pieces of technology during this period. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), Candidate Relationship Management (CRM), social media tools, just to name a few. Dependant on the scope and complexity of the technology solution, this process can take anywhere from 3 – 18 weeks to complete. As a result, the RPO provider must effective manage the client’s expectations throughout the process. It’s also critical that both sides adhere to the project plan – to ensure the transition to BAU is as seamless as possible.

Most of all, it’s important that there is a genuine partnership in place. If this partnership and agreement is not in place, there can be a huge disconnect between what the buyer thinks they are getting and what the supplier is delivering. For an implementation to be successful there needs to be transparency, understanding and regular communication. After all, you can have all the project management tools in the world – but the human touch is most important!

Visit our website to find out more about ManpowerGroup Solutions’ RPO capabilities, or feel free to contact me directly.

A Skills Revolution: Consumers of Work to Builders of Talent

A Skills Revolution: Consumers of Work to Builders of Talent

A Skills Revolution: Consumers of Work to Builders of TalentBusiness models are being disrupted. From the rise of robots, globalisation and mass migration, to the shock Brexit vote and wider geopolitical uncertainty – the Human Age has arrived.

The four Human Age forces we identified a decade ago – shifting demographics, greater individual choice, client sophistication and technological revolution – are transforming business models, and will continue to do so.

A Skills Revolution in the Human Age

The first phase of this transformation manifested itself in faster speed to market and new models competing with traditional businesses. Agility and performance were critical. However, as the business landscape continues to change, we have now entered a second phase. Technology is transforming the need for physical infrastructure and assets. As a result, organisations can now create value through capture, analysis and exchange of vast amounts of data.

We’re also seeing the emergence of a Skills Revolution. During this period of change, finding the right balance of technology, talent and human connection will enable both people and businesses to succeed. Going forward, helping people to upskill and adapt to the fast-changing world of work will be the defining labour challenge of our time.

In this, the 2017 edition of our annual Human Age Series, we review how the business landscape is being reconstructed. We analyse the critical challenges that lie ahead in the coming years; and recommend how organisations can equip themselves to adapt.

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Wanted: Responsive and Responsible Leadership

What makes a great manufacturing leader?

Finding the right balance of technology, talent and human connection will enable people and businesses to succeed in this world of constant change.

Yet, a split in the workforce is emerging. On one hand, individuals with in-demand skills are in the driving seat. They’re able to call the shots; create opportunities; and dictate how, where and when they want to work. However, at the other end of the spectrum, those without in-demand skills look to the future and are unable to see how their circumstances will improve.

We need to address this widening gap between the ‘Haves’ and the ‘Have Nots’. So now is the time for responsive and responsible leadership. We cannot slow the rate of technological advance or globalisation, but we can invest in employees’ skills to increase the resilience of our people and organisations.

Let’s take a look at some specific areas where responsive and responsible leadership will be critical in the coming years:

Blending five generations in the workforce

With people living longer and working older, many employers now have five generations to motivate and manage in their workforce. As a result, leaders need to be responsive and make it clear that all talent is valued in their organisation. Yet, we shouldn’t assume that we understand the drivers and motivations of each generation. Business leaders should take the time to understand their generational mix; their unique preferences and motivators; and implement talent strategies accordingly.

The demise of the traditional work model

While the gig model is not the reality for the majority at the moment, there is no doubt that the trend towards the ‘career for me’ is on the rise. The goal today is no longer finding the job for life. Instead, individuals want to develop the skills, experience and expertise necessary to be employable for the long-term. Consequently, we’re seeing individuals increasingly choose new ways of working that suit their needs and enable them to lead ‘one life’ that blends work and home. As a result, business leaders need to build a new work model that balances flexibility with responsibility. This needs to protect organisational productivity, whilst giving workers the freedom to choose where, when and how they work.

Tackling shortening skill cycles

Technological revolutions mean skills cycles are shorter than ever. Skills that are valuable today may hold less value in the coming years, while new skill requirements will emerge. As a result, business leaders need to focus on reskilling and upskilling people more than ever before. Improving people’s employability in this way will give businesses access to a wider pool of quality talent, and individuals more control and choice throughout their careers.

Changes in the world of work are accelerating at a pace and scale never seen before. Nonetheless, with responsive and responsible leadership we’ll be poised not only to meet the changing demands of business, but enhance people’s lives too.

If you’d like to find out more about how technology is likely to impact the future world of work, download our new whitepaper, The Skills Revolution.

Video: Curious about your learnability?

Your boss probably doesn’t expect to replace you with a machine any time soon. Nonetheless, the prospect of technology dramatically changing the make-up of the future workforce is certainly a hot topic.

Nowadays, the newspapers are full of reports speculating on how technology will evolve in the coming years. Undoubtedly, businesses and workforces will be transformed in order to harness the new opportunities technology presents.

As a result, individuals’ who are in-demand right now may find that their skills don’t hold the same value in five or ten years’ time. Many skills have an expiry date. Consequently, the defining challenge of our time is enabling people to upskill and adapt to this rapidly changing world of work.

Building learning mindsets

At ManpowerGroup, we call this ‘learnability’ – the desire and ability to continue to learn, so that you can remain employable for the long term. Building a ‘learning mindset’ will allow individuals to remain highly employable throughout their working life, no matter what the future holds.

It’s critical that business leaders support this, and nurture the learnability of their workforce. Going forward, it will be more important to teach individual how to learn, rather than teaching them specific skills. Watch this video to find out more about learnability, and what employers can do to support their workforce:

Benchmark Your Learnability

As organisations seek to invest and develop their employees, our new Learnability Quotient™ can assist. This short test provides guidance on how to enable performance and make better decisions on how to motivate the workforce. It represents a new way for users to assess their learning styles and receive recommendations  to aid future learning.

To take the test, please visit: